starlit_goddess's Anakin/Tahiri Fanfic Archive

Why Anakin/Tahiri

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Why do I ship Anakin and Tahiri?
It's a cute, normal ship--well, as normal as two Jedi kids get. It's the bed your friend situation, and it's great. I love Anakin (and unlike most EU fans, BOTH of them--I think he inherited so much from his grandad, but that's another rant) and Tahiri, they are two awesome characters, Anakin being the typical hero and Tahiri being a normal young girl who changes with the trials she faces.
Anakin and Tahiri have a certain chemistry. She's energetic, fun loving, and he's so wrapped up in his own guilt and need to do what he thinks he has to do alone--they need each other to achieve balance.
I think the Edge of Victory I: Conquest is their best shippy book (that I've read, anyway, I haven't yet gotten ahold of the Force Heretic Trilogy) because it really shows the tension and the feelings of caring--and, of course, Anakin tells Tahiri he loves her, and she stops thinking she's Riina. When he dies, Riina tries to take over her mind, and Tahiri has to integrate her personalities; Anakin's not there to tell her he loves her, and it's just really sad.
I'm also a Padme/Anakin shipper. (Skywalker, of course.) And when Padme dies, that's the final straw that turns Anakin completely to the darkside, which I find very much like the Tahiri/Riina/Anakin [Jr] thing.
Anyway. It's a great ship, and so much fun to write about, and that's all I shall say for the time being.